VM-2011 allokering av platser


Nu har WCF allokerat platserna till VM nästa år. Sverige fick 3 platser. Systemet baseras på rankinglistan och tack vare Sveriges tre topp-placeringar i rankingen ledde detta till tre platser. Det är första gången Sverige får deltaga med mer än en spelare i ett VM.

För att anmäla sitt intresse till en av dessa tre platserna skickar man lämpligtvis e-post till förbundskaptenen och meddelar att man gärna vill spela för Sverige i kommande VM. Denna anmälan behöver göras senast 20 februari 2011. De tre högst rankade spelarna kommer att få Sveriges VM-platser. Resterande anmäls för ett wild-card. Alla som har runt 2000 i ranking eller bättre har en realistisk chans att få en wild-card-plats.

Diskutera tävlingen i forumet: http://www.svenskkrocket.se/forum/topics/vm-2011

Här följer informationen från WCF med mer detaljer:

Allocation of Places for the WCF 2011 World Golf Croquet Championship

The WCF is pleased to announce the initial allocation of places for the above event. The event will be held in London from 18-24 July 2011 at the Hurlingham and Surbiton clubs. There will be a total of 64 players.
Members are requested to provide to the WCF, by 28 February 2011, a list of nominees up to the number of places allocated below together with payment of the entry fee of £56 per player, biographical notes and a photograph for each player nominated. At the same time, Wild Card nominations for additional places should be sent in preferred selection order. The WCF will allocate Wild Card places between 1 March and 30 April 2011. If any member does not intend to nominate players for allocated places, would they please advise the WCF by 31 December 2010. Please note that there will be a Qualification Event held in England on July 15 & 16. This event will be open to a maximum of 16 players, with 8 places initially reserved for overseas entries. The closing date for entries to this qualifier will be 1 June 2011. The venue will be Roehampton, if available, or Colchester. The top four players from the qualifier will be awarded places in the main event.

Ahmed Nasr – Holder
Reg Bamford – Runner-up
Chris Clarke – Semi-Finalist
Mohammed Nasr – Semi-Finalist

Australia 6
Canada 1
Egypt 7
England 7
Ireland 2
Italy 2
Japan 1
New Zealand 6
Scotland 1
South Africa 2
United States of America 3
Austria 1
Germany 1
Spain 1
Sweden 3
Switzerland 1
Wales 1
Belgium 1
Czech Republic 1
Finland 1
Norway 1
Denmark 0
Isle of Man 0
France 0
Jersey 0
Palestine 0
Russia 0

Qualifiers 4
Wild Cards 6

Total 64

Chris Clarke
WCF Secretary General
3 November, 2010